Tag Archives: Biotechnology

FBL30 – David Pearce: Engineering Happiness & the End of Suffering

Singularity Radio – FBL30 Esta semana nuestro invitado es el transhumanista británico David Pearce, quien [...]

First-Ever Artificial Neuron Could Let Us Repair Brain Injuries with Silicon

The merging of man and machine is a staple of sci-fi and at the heart [...]

Moderna Will Develop mRNA Vaccines for 15 of the World’s Worst Diseases

To much of the world, it seemed like the Covid-19 vaccines were whipped up in [...]

These 2021 Biotech Breakthroughs Will Shape the Future of Health and Medicine

It’s that time of year again! With 2021 behind us, we’re going down memory lane [...]

New DNA Synthesis Method Could Soon Build a Genome in a Day

Synthetic biologists are the computer programmers of biology. Their code? DNA. The whole enterprise sounds [...]

Josiah Zayner: Garage Biohackers & Gene Editing

Singularity Radio – FBL28 Esta semana nuestro invitado es Josiah Zayner, que podría ser el [...]

Scientists Completed the First Human Genome 20 Years Ago. How Far Have We Come, and What’s Next?

If the Human Genome Project (HGP) was an actual human, he or she would be [...]

Deep Learning Is Tackling Another Core Biology Mystery: RNA Structure

Deep learning is solving biology’s deepest secrets at breathtaking speed. Just a month ago, DeepMind [...]