Tag Archives: Neuroscience

AI-Powered Brain Implant Smashes Speed Record for Turning Thoughts Into Text

We speak at a rate of roughly 160 words every minute. That speed is incredibly [...]

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through August 6)

NEUROSCIENCE The Age of Brain-Computer Interfaces Is on the HorizonGrace Brown | Wired“The real novelty [...]

FBL31 – Katy Cook: The Psychology of Silicon Valley

Singularity Radio – FBL31 Esta semana nuestro invitado es psicólogo social, Katy Cook, quien autorizó [...]

This Is Where Empathy Lives in the Brain, and How It Works

Mind reading comes easily to most of us. For all our divisions, humans are uncannily [...]

FBL30 – David Pearce: Engineering Happiness & the End of Suffering

Singularity Radio – FBL30 Esta semana nuestro invitado es el transhumanista británico David Pearce, quien [...]

First-Ever Artificial Neuron Could Let Us Repair Brain Injuries with Silicon

The merging of man and machine is a staple of sci-fi and at the heart [...]

New DNA Synthesis Method Could Soon Build a Genome in a Day

Synthetic biologists are the computer programmers of biology. Their code? DNA. The whole enterprise sounds [...]

Josiah Zayner: Garage Biohackers & Gene Editing

Singularity Radio – FBL28 Esta semana nuestro invitado es Josiah Zayner, que podría ser el [...]

Amber Case: Designing Calm & Human-centric Technology

Singularity Radio – FBL27 Esta semana nuestra invitada es autora y oradora, Amber Case, quien [...]

‘The Social Dilemma’ Will Freak You Out—But There’s More to the Story

Is social media ruining the world? Dramatic political polarization. Rising anxiety and depression. An uptick [...]